Out cool your Web Competition !!!

F means fast. This is how the visitors read your site content. Their eyes move at rapid speed across your page in a pattern that’s very different than what we think.
  • Users first read in a horizontally, across the upper part of the content forming F’s top bar.
  • Then, users look down the page and read across in a second horizontal movement that is generally over a shorter area than the previous one forming F’s lower bar.
  • Last, users scan the content’s left side in a vertical movement. This time generally the users go through slowly, so it appears as a solid stripe on an eyetracking heatmap. This last element forms the F’s stem.
 Heatmaps from user eyetracking studies. Red are the areas where the visitors looks the most; yellow areas marks lesser views, followed by the least-viewed blue areas. Grey areas didn’t attract any attention.
Significance of the F Pattern
The F pattern’s significance for Web design are clear and show the importance of following the guidelines for writing for the Web instead of re-purposing print content:
  • Visitors don’t read the content descriptively word-by-word.
  • The couple of first paragraph must be informative. Visitors might read this material.
  • Always start the subheads, paragraphs and bullets informatively.
Tips for making your site attractive
  • Headlines draws more attention than pictures 
  • First couple of words of the headline are most read 
  • Closer reading are promoted by smaller type 
  • Top of the page is the most navigated 
  • Short paragraphs promotes reading 
  • Ads placed closer to content attracts attention 
  • Multimedia works better than text for conceptual information 
  • Text ads are more popular than graphic ads


  1. This is vital information for anyone with an e-commerce site


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